Strategies and Insights on Effective Renewable Energy Asset Management – Tools to Manage Accelerating Growth

The renewable energy industry has a lot to be excited about: between the multi-year extension of the production and investment tax credits (PTC/ITC) and the Paris agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, good news abounds. As a result, we expect to see significant market growth and an expanding network of assets to manage. As the sector scales up, effective strategies and tools to manage this growing network of assets become even more important. However, companies are often hindered by increasing operations and maintenance costs, multiple systems for data and asset monitoring and settlement, and billing and reporting that are not integrated across the portfolio. All of this can lead to crunches at financial close and a risk of restatements, not to mention potential cyber threats.

This webinar will focus on concrete solutions for managing these real-world asset management challenges. Leaders from some of the largest renewable energy generation portfolio companies and service providers with gigawatts of assets under management will share their insights on effective strategies. The discussion will be targeted towards large portfolio operators looking to mature their capabilities, smaller portfolio operators looking to build asset management right the first time, and investors looking to define expectations for what good asset management should look like.

Q & A Submission:
Q & A both on the teleconference and live at the host firm sites, will follow the speakers’ presentations. Please email questions to

Call Times:
12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Eastern
11:00 am – 12:30 pm Central
10:00 am – 11:30 am Mountain
9:00 am – 10:30 am Pacific
8:00 am – 9:30 am Alaskan

Teleconference Series Chairs:
Sarah A.W. Fitts, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Roger D. Stark, Stark Energy Consulting LLC
Gene Gurevich, Securing America’s Future Energy
Matthew J. Frank, Murphy Desmond S.C.
Grant Rauscher, Debevoise & Plimpton LLP

Chris McCloskey, Advisory Director, PwC

Richard A. Lammers, Vice President-Asset Management, First Solar
Mark McLanahan, CEO, Solarrus Corp.
Tim Naylor, Director – European Software, Envision Energy